Getting terms.

Terms are used to group various entities in WordPress, typically posts. Terms are members of a taxonomy. Post tags and categories are arguably the most common taxonomies in WordPress. If you were to create a category, you are creating a term. If you create a tag, you are creating a term. Posts, pages, and many other entities can the be associated with a term. If we are running a barbecue blog, we might have a bunch of categories: Memphis Style, Texas Style, Carolina Style, Kansas City Style. An article about some delicious brisket might be categorized under Texas. Let's take this example and look at some potential queries.

Querying for terms.

  terms(first: 4) {

And the response might look like this.

  "data": {
    "terms": [
        "name": "Texas Style",
        "slug": "texas",
        "id": 1
        "name": "Memphis Style",
        "slug": "memphis",
        "id": 1
        "name": "Caronlina Style",
        "slug": "carolina",
        "id": 1
        "name": "Kansas City Style",
        "slug": "kansas-city",
        "id": 1

More to come on terms.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""